Bağımsızlık Değerimiz ektedir. Fikir, düşünce, öneri, katkı ve eleştirilerinize açıktır...
Baraka Kültür Merkezi
Baraka bağımsızlıkçıdır. Baraka aktivistleri kişisel bağımsızlıklarını tutkuyla korurlar. Baraka örgütsel bağımsızlığından hiçbir koşulda taviz vermez. Ülkemiz Kıbrıs'ın bağımsızlığını sosyalizm mücadelesi ile ayrı düşünmez. Kıbrıs'ın bağımsızlığına ulaşmasını ve sosyalizmi önüne hedef olarak koyar.
Baraka'nın kişisel bağımsızlıktan anladığı şey, kendi kafasının dikine gitmek, örgütsüzlük ve "benbilirim"cilik değildir. Bizim için bireysel bağımsızlık; sosyal, ekonomik ve düşünsel anlamda kendine yeterli bireyler olmaktır. Böylesi bir bağımsızlık, kendi gibi bağımsız diğer bireylerin düşüncelerine önem vermeyi, kolektif olarak hareket edebilme olgunluğunu gösterebilmeyi ve tartışma yolu ile ikna olmaya açık olabilmeyi içerir. Bağımsız bireyler olarak ne birileri tarafından (iyi amaçlar için dahi olsa) körü körüne yönlendirilmeyi ne de başka kişileri körükörüne yönlendirmeyi kabul ederiz. Bizler ortak amaçlara ortak süreçlerden geçerek varmaya azimli bağımsız bireyler olarak açık tartışma yolu ile iknaya ve pratik eylemin eleştirisine kıymet veririz.

Baraka anti-kapitalist zeminde bağımsız bir Kıbrıs için mücadele eder. Ancak bu kendi içine kapalı bir ulusalcı bağımsızlık olmadığı gibi, "kurtuluş" adına emperyalist oluşumlara (AB,BM) bel bağlamak da değildir. Bugün siyasi anlamda bağımsız olduğu iddia edilen ülkelerin, ekonomik, kültürel, askeri ve idari anlamda emperyalizmin yeni-sömürgeleri oldukları olgusu inkar edilemez. Öyleyse Kıbrıs için talep ettiğimiz bağımsızlık, şekilsel bir sözde bağımsızlık değil; her yönü ile gerçek bir bağımsızlık olmalıdır. Bağımsız bir ülkede yaşayan bağımsız bir halk, dünya halklarının bağımsız (demek ki gönüllü) bir dayanışma ağı oluşturmasının temel koşuludur. Enternasyonalizmin en önemli özelliği halkların gönüllü (demek ki bağımsız) ortak mücadele ve dayanışma birlikteliğine dayanıyor olmasıdır.
Tüm bu sebeplerle Baraka, bağımsızlıkçıdır ve Baraka aktivistleri bulundukları her zeminde gerçek bağımsızlık için mücadele ederler.
The Baraka Cultural group has gone through a redifinition and restatement of its Values as an independent revolutionary organization dedicated to Socialism.
ReplyDeleteBaraka reaffirms its committment to the process of personal growth, personal liberation and personal independence, as well as collective action for common goals.
The group has enriched its understanding of organizational independence to include financial, political and physical independence, and reasserts its freedom to criticize and enter into ideological struggle, while at the same time takes a stand against sectarianism and will continue to co-operate in solidarity with other groups in the community.
Baraka sets itself firmly within revolutionary Marxism, and defines its goals in the context of Cyprus: anti-capitalist, and in favour of an independent Cyprus. While recognizing that most of the allegedly independent countries are undeniably dominated within a system of imperialist neo-colonialism, Baraka rejects that form of independence, and also rejects a nationalist oriented independence, as well as the false independence that is offered through the imperialist organs of the EU and the UN.
Instead, Baraka posits a struggle for independence based on a unity with the peoples of the world, through the basic tenets of internationalism and solidarity.
The above are a summary of my own understanding of these political developments - I'm very happy with them, and I embrace fully the intention and spirit of these statements!
Petros Evdokas, petros@cyprus-org.net
Thank you wery much Petros.
ReplyDeleteTranslation is very good also.Thank you again...
Dear Munur,
ReplyDeletedoes the group Baraka have the same views on the bizonal bicommunal federation as Petros Evdokas and Solon Antartis? Because as one can see on your website, you participate in many bicommunal events which clearly support bizonal bicommunal federation as the basis of the solution.
I will give you some examples of the views of the above two persons, which were expressed in articles and comments in this blog in Greek:
1. Bizonal bicommunal federation is racist because it creates a superior race ("anoteri fyli" in Greek), meaning the Turkish speakers.
2. Chistofias - Talat agreement on the constitutional issue (rotating presidency, weighted and crossed voting) constitutes a betrayal of Hellenism and a violation of the rights of the G/c.
3. They are against political equality between the two communities and they believe in political equality "between persons", that is one person one vote.
4. They believe that Cyprus is part of Hellenism, as they say, when they refer to the Greek state as "the rest of Greece".
5. Cyprus problem is a problem of invasion and occupation created in 1974.
6. The responsibility for 1963 belongs exclusively to TMT and Ankara. Those that say that G/c are also to blame for the intercommunal violence are playing the game of Turkish expansionism and Agglo -American imperialism.
7. Georgios Grivas might have been stupid but had ethos.
8. EOKA B was the necessary military self-defense of the “Hellenes” of Cyprus against the "Cypriot nationalists".
9.Enosis was a noble ideal and worth fighting for.
10.They support openly “Adouloti Keryneia” (“Unslaved Keryneia” in English), which opposes any solution that does not include Keryneia under Greek Cypriot administration and does not accept the agreed basis of the solution of the Cypriot problem. Adouloti Keryneia also staged demonstrations against the current negotiations. Evdokas and Antartis also support the blog “Emprosthofylakas” (“Front -line guard” in English) which organises campaigns for the defence of the post 64 Greek only Republic of Cyprus.
What do you say about all this?
It seems that these Petros Evdokas and Solon Antartis speak different in Greek and different in English.
Thank you
Demetra Constantinidou
Some Responses
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous "Demetra",
1. Cyprus IndyMedia is not the "property" of any single faction of the political community; it is part of our contract with the community and with global IndyMedia that there can not be domination of IndyMedia by any single group, organization, or ideology. The promotion of a variety of opinions and views - as long as they do not violate our editorial policy and guidelines - are not only welcome, but they are the lifeblood of a healty Movement.
Without such variety and differences, there can be no fruitful dialogue, nor any real co-operation based on higher principles.
2. You misrepresent - purposefully - the views of Baraka, and the views of individual activists who are involved with Cyprus IndyMedia. This is a familiar tactic, injecting poison into personal and political relationships in order to divide, manipulate and invest further into hatred.
3. Baraka and Cyprus IndyMedia agree and feel the same on many important values and issues, including policies, strategies and tactics.
Among them - and this is primary - we believe that Apartheid and Racial Supremacy (institutional racism) are incompatible with Socialism. Any so-called "solutions" that Imperialism wants to enforce on Cyprus that are based on Apartheid and racism will find us united fighting against them.
Also, more of the values we share are based on the idea that Peace can only come with Justice. Any "solution" that you and your Imperialist allies and fellow ideologues try to enforce on Cyprus that is based on "legalizing injustice" will find us united against it.
And we know that if a "legalization of injustice" succeeds, it will lead immediately to a new war between our communities.
3. Our editorial policy clearly states that racist ideologies - or any other politics of hate - do not belong within our pages. Nor does the propaganda of Capital, the State, or any of the major political parties, or other right-wing formations REGARDLESS of how they present themselves, even if they are disquised as "leftist" propaganda such as the materials constantly produced by the ruling party of the Republic of Cyprus or its "independent left wing".
We believe in continuing to build personal and political bonds among individuals and organizations of Turkish Cypriots and Hellene Cypriots on the basis of our values. You can study those values here:
Your propaganda of hatred shall not pass.
Cyprus IndyMedia
Dear "volunteers",
ReplyDeletethank you for your reply, which, however, does not answer the points I raised. In any case, my comment was adressed to Munur.
I already know your views and I am familiar with your diglossy. The point is, this diglossy to be undestood by non Greek speakers as well... Because, if we want to act for the unity of the cypriot people, as you say, we should be at least honest and help people - including non greek speakers - to undestand who we really are and what we believe in.
I am still waiting a reply from Munur.
Thank you again,
Dear Demetra,
ReplyDeleteyou forgot other important "wisdoms" by Petros Evdokas and Solon Antartis.
...that for example the biggest form of racism in the south in not against Turkish Cypriots or immigrants from Turkey, Africa or Asia but against the "Hellenes" of Greek or Cypriot origin...
yes dear Munur, what do you say regarding the "persecution" of the "Hellenes" in the south by the "Cypro-nationalists"?
"Any so-called "solutions" that Imperialism wants to enforce on Cyprus that are based on Apartheid and racism will find us united fighting against them."
ReplyDeleteyes you will be united with all the greek anti-federation nationalists (in favour of greek majority rule) and coordinated with the turkish anti-federation separatist nationalists in the north in order to prevent reunification...
we know this
Christofias-watch and emprosthofilakas blog call you directly comrades while you yourself indirectly justify the "anti-occupation" rhetoric of the fascists of ELAM and EFEN since at the end of the day you agree with them...
you know... that Cyprus is Hellenic (and in danger of dehellenization) and that you should fight against reunification on a bizonal and bicommunal federal basis.
you adore ELAM's main slogan
No to federation! don't you?....
ReplyDeleteyou made the mistake of your life to play in english
whatever you say now its wrong...
the imperialist sofa of undp/usaid at some point in Kartash
I know you my Dear...
ReplyDeleteThe person who writes "anonymously" above could not resist the temptation - just HAD to insert a clue there, about the crimes and tresspasses that define their path. The guilty will always return to their crime - until there is a true and honest repentance, they will be tormented by what they know about their own offences.
The signature is a clue (a "wink") aimed for those of us who have an inside knowledge about the financing given by the US State Department via the USAID network (civilian extension of the Pentagon) to certain fake leftist groups in Cyprus who pretended to be for "bicommunal unity" while working to establish a racist Apartheid regime in Cyprus founded on a racial segregation platform and Race Laws establishing racial supremacy and... an eternal state of conflict between our two communities.
At the time when they knowingly accepted the money from the imperialists, the racist division strategy they supported was known as the Annan plan; now it is being marketed as a "bizonal solution". Fake leftist groups and individuals who are providing cover and support for imperialist intervention in Cyprus are STILL supporting this plan!
We have been criticizing them openly, and we expose them everywhere within our society - just as the journalists and editors do in these indymedia pages here.
But their guilty conscience won't let them rest! They keep on instigating hatred and violence, they keep insulting and provoking.
But they know the tide has turned: the people now see through their lies. They're beginning to feel they have nowhere else to hide except under the flags and banners of the authoritarian and racist parties they serve.
i know you too uzalistika (known persona of evdokosolonas)...
ReplyDeletekeep talking in english
you are burning your last social cards (the political ones are already burnt)...
the sofa
Είπεν δε Όνος τῳ πετεινᾠ "Κεφάλα"!
ReplyDeleteEvdoka are you Uzalisika - and you Solona Maria Sinklitiki or vice versa?
ReplyDelete'3. Our editorial policy clearly states that racist ideologies - or any other politics of hate - do not belong within our pages. Nor does the propaganda of Capital, the State, or any of the major political parties, or other right-wing formations REGARDLESS of how they present themselves, even if they are disquised as "leftist" propaganda such as the materials constantly produced by the ruling party of the Republic of Cyprus or its "independent left wing".'
ReplyDeleteif you actually kept to this point, evdokas and solonas would never be able to post a single thing on this blog
Politics of hate....
Oh yes hate - this is the staff that oozes from the posts of Solonas and Evdokas.
...Στη χώρα μας, ενώ οι συνέπειες της παγκόσμιας κρίσης επηρεάζουν σοβαρά τους εργαζόμενους και ενώ ο εθνικισμός, ο ρατσισμός και ο νεοφασισμός είναι σε έξαρση, ο πιο σοβαρός κίνδυνος που αντιμετωπίζουμε είναι συνέχιση της de facto διαίρεσης του τόπου μας.
ReplyDeleteΓια μας, ο αγώνας για την ειρήνη και την επανένωση της χώρας μας, αποτελεί βασική και άμεση προτεραιότητα. Παραμένουμε σταθερά δεσμευμένοι στην προσπάθεια για λύση δικοινοτικής διζωνικής ομοσπονδίας με πολιτική ισότητα των δυο κοινοτήτων, όπως αυτή διαλαμβάνεται στις σχετικές αποφάσεις του ΟΗΕ και στα πλαίσια ενός κράτους με μια κυριαρχία, μια ιθαγένεια, μια διεθνή προσωπικότητα.
Λύση που να είναι σύμφωνη με τις αποφάσεις και τα ψηφίσματα των Ηνωμένων Εθνών, να είναι στο πλαίσιο των συμφωνιών ανωτάτου επιπέδου μεταξύ των δυο κοινοτήτων, να στηρίζεται στις ευρωπαϊκές αρχές και αξίες και να διασφαλίζει την εφαρμογή των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων για όλους τους πολίτες.
Στηρίζουμε την διαδικασία των συνομιλιών και καλούμε τους ηγέτες των δύο κοινοτήτων να συνεχίσουν να εργάζονται με στόχο την επίτευξη λύσης που θα επανενώσει την Κύπρο και θα την καταστήσει ελεύθερη, ανεξάρτητη και πατρίδα όλων των Κυπρίων...
...Yurdumuzda, ekonomik kriz ciddi şekilde emekçileri etkilerken diğer yandan da milliyetçilik, ırkçılık, neo-faşizm yükselişte; halen ülkemizi en ciddi şekilde tehdit eden şey ise, süregelen de facto ayrılıktır. Görüşme sürecinin yeni bir çıkmaza girmesi riski, ülkemizde barış beklentilerini ve umutlarını da tehdit eden bir unsurdur.
İşte bu çağrı, Kıbrıs için Barışı korumak, Çözüm ve Yeniden birleşme için aktif olarak çalışmak anlamına gelmektedir. Bu bağlamda, PEO, DEVİŞ ve İKİ TOPLUMLU BİRLEŞİK KIBRIS BARIŞ İNSİYATİFİ şunları vurgulamaktadır:
Görüşme masasında görüşülen tüm bölümlerde bugüne kadar varılan uzlaşmaları özellikle de yönetimimizle ilgili gerçekleştirilecek ilerlemeleri savunmaktayız. Kıbrıslılar arasında varılacak bir antlaşma, ileriye doğru atılmış çok önemli, benzersiz bir adım olacağı gibi Kıbrıs’ta çözümün temel köşe taşını oluşturacaktır.
Kıbrıslı Rum ve Kıbrıslı Türkler’i harekete geçirerek Birleşmiş Milletler kararlarında tanımlandığı gibi siyasi eşitliğe saygılı ve bağlı kalınarak- iki-bölgeli, iki-toplumlu ve tek vatandaşlığa, tek egemenliğe ve tek uluslararası kimliğe dayalı federasyona dayalı bir Kıbrıs için çalışmalıyız...
(extract from the common declaration of 55 g/c and t/c organisations about the bi-communal 1st september peace march)
co-signed by Baraka, YKP, KSP, KTOS, Workers' Democracy etc...
the whole declaration and the list of supporting organisations is available at http://falies.com/2010/08/27/%CE%B4%CE%B9%CE%B1%CE%BA%CE%B7%CF%81%CF%85%CE%BE%CE%B7-%CF%80%CE%B5%CE%BF-dev-is-%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CE%B4%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%BF%CE%B9%CE%BD%CE%BF%CF%84%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%B7%CF%83-%CF%80%CF%81%CF%89%CF%84/
just so that people who happen to pass by accidentally from this blog are informed
Evdokosolonas, it is hard to find left-wing anti-federationists...isn't it?
no worries, ELAM and EFEN are good kids and they do need a guru to keep them straight in the patriotic and national but not nationalist and racist road...think about it, it happens...
Αναστατωθήκαν πολλά τα κοπέλλια της ψευτοαριστεράς πάλε μαζί σας, α;
ReplyDeleteΜεν τους φοάστε! Θυμηθήτε τι λέει ο Δώρος Λοίζου:
"Θαρθούν οι «ειδικοί αστυνομικοί» να μου σπάσουν τα πλευρά,
γιατί βάζω οργή και φωτιά στα παιδιά…
Θαρθούν οι κόκκινοι να μου κοκκινίσουν το μούτρο,
γιατί είμαι πιο κόκκινος απ’αυτούς…"
Θυμηθήτε τι λέει ο Μάο:
"Όλοι οι αντιδραστικοί είναι χάρτινοι τίγρεις. Η εμφάνιση τους προκαλεί τρόμο αλλά στην πραγματικότητα δεν είναι τόσο ισχυροί. Μακροπρόθεσμα, δεν είναι οι αντιδραστικοί μα ο λαός που κατέχει την πραγματική δύναμη."
Οι αντιδραστικοί - και τα τσιράκκια τους - βρυχούνται. Βρυχούνται με χολή, με κάχρι, με βία, με απειλές βίας, με προσωπικές επιθέσεις... Μα σκεφτήτε. Πόση ψυχική σταθερότητα έχουν τούτα τα άτομα; Πόση γαλήνη τους έφερε η πολιτική τους σοφία; Αν τα είχαν, θα ασχολούνταν να σας βρίζουν μέρα νύκτα; Σας βρίζουν γιατί είναι ψυχικά ασταθείς και ζουν βίους αβίωτους - προσωπικά, ερωτικά, πολιτικά διαβιούν σε έρημο και πατούν σε αγκάθια που οι ίδιοι εστρωσαν.
Οι χάρτινοι τίγρεις τρομάζουν, μα στη βροχή και τον άνεμο λυώνουν και χάνονται.
english please.....or give us a translation
ReplyDeleteposts of hate ..."είναι ψυχικά ασταθείς και ζουν βίους αβίωτους - προσωπικά, ερωτικά, πολιτικά διαβιούν σε έρημο και πατούν σε αγκάθια "
ReplyDeleteWhat is "Emprosthofylakas"?
ReplyDeleteEmprosthofylakas is a socialist patriot publication of news, critique and analysis mostly centered around the occupation of Cyprus, oriented toward liberation and socialism. The group's name means "vanguard", or "those guarding the front", in the hellenic language: