08 Şubat 2011
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Baraka Kültür Merkezi, Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyinde, “halk olma hakkı ihlal edilmiş bir halkın hakları” için neoliberalizme karşı mücadele ediyor. Kıbrıs’taki son mitinge “Ankara elini yakamızdan çek!” pankartıyla katıldı ve mitingin mesajını özetleyen bu pankart faşist saldırı girişimlerinin ve Ankara’nın hışmının hedefine oturdu. Baraka’dan Münür Rahvancıoğlu ile son eylemlerin gerçek dinamiklerini, hedeflerini, öznelerini ve Tayyip Erdoğan’ın sert çıkışının Kıbrıs’taki karşılığını konuştuk
Sendika.Org: Kıbrıslıların derdi ne? Bu halk neden böylesi bir tepkiyle sokağa çıktı?
Münür Rahvancıoğlu: Kıbrıslıların derdi ekonomik temelli. 1986’dan beri devam eden 15-20 yıllık bir sürecin sonucu. Özal’dan beri ülke ekonomisine Ankara yapımı neoliberal ekonomik paketler yön veriyor. Bugün bu politikalara karşı tepkiler artık siyasal bir söyleme dönüştü. Bu nedenle Ankara bu kadar öne çıktı. Çünkü, neoliberal politikaların kaynağında Türkiye hükümetleri var.
15-20 yıllık bir süreç ama tepki şimdi patlak verdi. Şu an gündemde neler var?
Son bir yılda olanları anlatayım. Kıbrıs THY özelleşti. Çalışanları sokakta kaldı. Sırada ADSL hizmetleri vs. Dâhili telefon özelleştirmesi var. Elektrik üretim, iletim, faturalandırmasıyla tamamen özelleştirilecek. Kooperatif özelleştirilecek. Kooperatif bankasıyla, tohumculuk, tahıl, süt, hellim işletmeleriyle Kıbrıslı Türklere ait ciddi bir değerdir. Kıbrıslı Türklerin üretimde tek şansıdır. Bu özelleştirmeler Kıbrıs’ın bitmesi anlamına gelir.
Çalışan haklarında da gerilemeler var. Ek ödemeler, desteklemeler kaldırıldığı gibi maaşlarda da kesintilere gidiliyor. Bu arada Tayyip Erdoğan 10 bin lira maaş aldığımızdan bahsediyor ama Kıbrıs’ta en yüksek maaş bile 10 bin lira değil. En yüksek maaş cumhurbaşkanınındır o da 8 bin lira alır. Asgari ücret ise bin 300 liradır ve şu anda yeni işe başlayanlar için maaşların artık asgari ücretten verilmesi planlanıyor.
Tamam, Erdoğan doğru söylememiş ama bu da yüksek bir maaş değil mi? Türkiye’ye kıyasla bin 300 lira asgari ücret iyi bir rakam.
Ama Kıbrıs ve Türkiye’de fiyatlar çok farklı. Benzin ve mazot dışında her şey Türkiye’dekinin birkaç katı fiyatınadır. Ortalama iki katı diyelim. Benzin ve mazotun ucuza olması da aslında Türkiye’deki gibi bir avantaj sunmuyor. Çünkü burada hiçbir toplu taşıma hizmeti yok. Taksi bile yok. Kıbrıs’ta bir yerden bir yere gitmek için özel arabanız olmalı.
Yani ne Erdoğan’ın dediği kadar yüksek bir maaş var ne de elimize geçen para Türkiye’deki kıymetinde. Şimdi hem ek ödemeler kaldırılıp hem de kesintilere gidilince mevcut durum daha da kötüleşiyor ve halk da buna karşı çıkıyor.
“Göç Yasası” diye bir yasa var. Buna karşı Kıbrıs tarihinde pek çok ilkin yaşandığı mücadeleler verildi. Polis ilk kez bu gösterilerde gaz bombası kullandı. Ne yapıyor bu yasa. Kamuya yeni girenlerin maaşı yarı yarıya düşürülüyor, asgari ücret seviyesine geliyor.
Sendikal haklarda da gerileme var. Toplu sözleşme hakkı “Göç Yasası” ile imkansız hale getiriliyor. Yasada çalışana çıplak ücret dışında bir şey verilmeyeceği yazılı. Toplu sözleşmede ek haklar, desteklemeler isteyemeyecekseniz ne yapacaksınız. Toplu sözleşme sadece kuru ücret pazarlığına indirgeniyor.
Peki, yasanın adı neden göç?
Sendikalar, bu yasanın uygulanması halinde Kıbrıslıların yaşamasının artık imkansız hale geleceğini, göç etmek zorunda kalacağını söylüyor. O nedenle resmi adı başka olsa da “Göç Yasası” diye anılıyor.
Bu düzenlemeler şimdiki Ulusal Birlik Partisi (UBP) hükümeti dönemine mi ait? Öncesi yok mu?
Cumhuriyetçi Türk Partisi (CTP) döneminde paket hazırlandı. Daha doğrusu AKP hazırladı ve CTP’ye verdi. CTP’liler diyor ki, “Biz bu yasayı geçirmek istemedik, o nedenle de erken seçime gittik.” Ama seçime giderken hiç böyle bir şeyden söz etmediler. “Ekonomik kriz var, önemli tedbirler almamız gerekiyor,” dediler.
Bizce CTP erken seçime, bu yasaları geçirmeden önce onay almak için gitti. Seçilemeyince de söylem değiştirdi.
Paketler o kadar yeni değil ama değil mi? 15-20 yıllık bir süreçten söz ediyorsunuz?
1986’dan beri bu paketler var. O zaman bir sanayi vardı, alüminyum işletmeleri, plastik boru fabrikaları, iğne fabrikaları. Turgut Özal geldiğinde Kıbrıslılar “Biz üretmek istiyoruz” dediler. Özal da dedi ki, “Siz üretmeyin. Zaten İstanbul’un bir mahallesi kadarsınız. Biz sizin paranızı göndeririz.” O zamandan bu zamana uzanan bir süreç.
Ankara bu sorunun kaynağı… Ankara’yı hedef alan sloganların nedeni de bu.
Bu sloganlarla bir miting örgütlendi ve tartışmalar da buradan çıktı. Kim örgütledi bu mitingi, gerçekte söylenen neydi?
Mitingi Sendikal Platform örgütledi. Kıbrıslılar bu mitingde asıl olarak “Kendimizi kendi irademizle yönetmek istiyoruz” dedi. Eylemde en kalabalık grubu oluşturan Kıbrıs Türk Öğretmenler Sendikası (KTÖS) bir pankart açtı: “Ankara, ne paranı, ne memurunu, ne paketlerini istemiyoruz!”
KTÖS, Kıbrıs’taki öğretmenlerin yüzde 99’unun örgütlendiği bağımsız bir sendika. Sendikal Platform’daki diğer sendikalar arasında CTP ile ilişki içinde olanlar var. Burada KTÖS ve CTP arasında bir fark var. KTÖS her zaman bu pankartta ifade ettiklerini savundu ve bu anlamda bir tutarlılık, sözüne güvenilirlik var. CTP ise muhalefete düştüğü için iktidara karşı burada. Ancak gelenlerin önemli bir bölümü KTÖS’e güvendiği için geldi.
Katılanların bir kısmı esas olarak UBP hükümetine karşı, bir kısmı sadece ekonomik taleplerle, eylemlerde ağırlık sahibi olan KTÖS’ün de dahil olduğu kesimse sorunun yapısal olduğuna işaret eden siyasal taleplerle oradaydı.
Tayyip Erdoğan’ın çıkışı hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz?
Erdoğan, Kıbrıs’a değil kendi iç kamuoyuna oynuyor. Bu çıkışları Kıbrıslı Türklerle Türkiye’nin arasını bozar. Ankara ile Kıbrıs arasında bir uzaklaşma bizim açımızdan sorun değil. Ancak bu sözleriyle, Türkiye ve Kıbrıs halklarının arasını bozmak istiyor ki biz buna karşıyız.
Kıbrıs’ta Türkiye’den göç etmiş Kıbrıslıların çoğunluğu da şu anda bizim tarafımızda.
Mitingdeki sloganlar Ankara’ya hitap ediyordu. Egemenler “Has.tir” yazılı pankartı mitingin zayıf karnı olarak gördüler. Bu pankart üzerinden bir tepki örgütlemeye çalıştılar. Kıbrıs’ta da birçok kişi bu pankarta içeriğinden dolayı değil ama üslubundan dolayı sempati ile bakmıyordu. Erdoğan’ın açıklamalarından sonraysa durum değişti. Ciddi bir kitle “o pankart az bile” demeye başladı. Erdoğan deseydi ki, “Tamam anlıyorum bir tepkiniz var ama o pankarttaki üslup yakışıksız oldu”, o zaman durum farklı olurdu. Ama o doğrudan Ankara adına Kıbrıslıları hedef alınca eylemin mesajının da daha iyi anlaşılmasını sağladı.
Erdoğan’ın dile getirdiği iddialar var. Güney yönetimiyle işbirliği içinde olduğunuz vs. gibi…
Eylemlerin güneyle hiçbir ilgisi yok. Maddi destek, talimat vs. gibi hiçbir şey yok. Biz güneydeki yoldaşlarımıza dedik ki, “Siz de Avrupa Birliği’nin (AB) neoliberal politikalarına muhalefet edin, Türkiye’ye değil. Bizi böyle desteklemiş olursunuz.”
Erdoğan şimdi UBP’den şikâyet ediyor, pankartları engellemedi diye. Ama biz Türkiye’den farklıyız. Gösteri ve ifade özgürlüğüne ilişkin haklar çok geniş. Yasal mevzuat farklı. Bir eylem yaparsanız, polisin işi o eylem için yolu açmaktır. Pankartta ne yazdığına da karışamaz.
Erdoğan’ın üslubu bizi çok rahatsız ediyor. Kıbrıs halkının Ankara’ya karşı tepkisini besliyor. Ama şu bilinsin. Bizim derdimiz Türkiye halklarıyla değil. Dünyanın bütün halklarının başımızın üstünde yeri var. Bizim derdimiz kendi halkını da ezen hükümetlerle.
Erdoğan aynı zamanda bir itirafta da bulundu. “Yunanistan Kıbrıs’ta ne için varsa biz de onun için oradayız” dedi. Yunanistan Kıbrıs’ta ABD için, NATO için üsler kurulsun, Ortadoğu’da emperyalizmin denetim olanakları artsın diye var. Tabii ki bal tutan parmağını yalıyor ve Türkiye ile Yunanistan’ın Kıbrıs’ta kendi çıkarları da var ama asıl olarak emperyalizme hizmet için buradalar. Erdoğan bunu itiraf etmiş oldu.
Bir de size (Baraka Kültür Merkezi) dönük faşist, provokatif bir eylem gerçekleşti. Kontrgerilla boş durmuyor herhalde. Neler yaşandı?
Bize dönük saldırı mitingden 3 gün sonra gerçekleşti. Faşistler “Ankara elini yakamızdan çek!” pankartını bahane ederek küfürlü bir eylem yaptılar. (Genç Mücahitler Derneği isminde bir derneğin birkaç üyesi Baraka'yı protesto etmek amacıyla 31 Ocak 2011 tarihinde bir "ziyaret" düzenledi. "Or.... Çocukları" gibi "yaratıcı" bir pankart açan bu şahıslar, basın açıklaması yaptı. "Kıbrıs Türktür Türk kalacak!" diye slogan attıktan sonra, tekbir getirerek Baraka'dan ayrıldılar.) Bizim tepki göstermemizi sağlamak ve tepkimizle birlikte gerginlik yaratıp eylemleri gölgelemek istediler. Ama istedikleri gibi olmadı. O konu kapandı. Esas sorun ortada artık.
*Bu söyleşi, 8 Şubat günü telefon yoluyla gerçekleştirilmiştir.
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Münür Rahvancıoğlu ve Baraka:
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Dear friends of the Indymedia Collective,
ReplyDeleteYou have proven once again that you remain a true and loyal friend to the Cypriots of Turkish origin.
Indymedia, unlike other pseudo-anarchist and pseudo-leftist groups, supports the respect of one's ethnic origin and at the same time is against the territorial division of the people of Cyprus. Other groups, politically adjacent to the ruling stalinist AKEL and politically dependent on it, want to eliminate ethnic identities and cultures which are detrimental to a person's existence, but at the same time, they want to impose an appartheid based on ethnic origin, as supported by the imperialist successors of Bush, Blair and Henry Kissinger !!!
The people of Cyprus should be allowed to live together, not separately, not side-by side. Together, with mixed populations all over Cyprus. With respect to each others different culture, language, religion and customs.
It is sad that paid provocateurs of AKEL, such as the notorious Anef_Oriwn, are launching this campaign of lies and terror against the Cyprus Indymedia Collective.
this in english.
ReplyDeletein greek post however it is rather a different story....
Like the previous post from the magazine of "Metopo" a Cyriot students in United Kingdom organisation.
Check out the last page for a full page slogan:
Of course "Cyprus is Greek" you idiot, check out the history dumbass.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't come in conflict with a Turkish Cypriot community living on the island for 400 years and enjoying all its rights and traditions.
My God, what a moron!
ReplyDeleteThe slogan in the magazine, refers to the history of Cyprus, which has been greek for centuries(this has never been disputed by our progressive t/c comrades and friends) and to the greek identity of its majority which is disputed by akelians, aneforiwnsists, fascists and pseudo-leftists.
ReplyDeleteIt is an answer to them and not a statement meaning that we should abolish the Republic of Cyprus or that we should not live with the T/C.
On the contrary, Metopo, is one of the few organisations which supports the non-divided Republic of Cyprus.These are Metopo's views in Greek, which refer to peaceful co-existence in terms of equality between G/C and T/C:
"Είναι συνεπώς αυτονόητο ότι μια δίκαιη και λειτουργική λύση θα διασφαλίζει τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα και το ευρωπαϊκό κεκτημένο, θα εξασφαλίζει την πλήρη απελευθέρωση των κατεχομένων εδαφών μας, την επιστροφή των προσφύγων στις πατρογονικές τους εστίες, την αποχώρηση των κατοχικών στρατευμάτων και όλων των Τούρκων εποίκων από την κυριαρχία της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας και θα διακριβώνει την τύχη των αγνοουμένων.
Ζητούμε ένα κράτος με ανόθευτη δημοκρατία, όπου σε κάθε άνθρωπο αντιστοιχεί μία ψήφος. Με αυτό το τρόπο η μειοψηφία προστατεύεται εκ των πραγμάτων, (αφού εκλέγει αριθμό αντιπροσώπων σε όλα τα σώματα αντίστοιχο της δύναμής της) ενώ παράλληλα δεν της παρέχεται η δυνατότητα να εκβιάζει και να χειραγωγεί την πλειοψηφία (όπως έπραττε κατ’ εξακολούθηση ο Τουρκοκύπριος Αντιπρόεδρος στο Σύνταγμα του 1960 με το δικαίωμα της αρνησικυρίας). Μακροπρόθεσμα αυτό θα φέρει κοντά τις δύο κοινότητες, αφού δεν θα τίθεται θέμα υπερπρονομίων της μειονότητας (περίπτωση 1963) και εκβιασμού της πλειονότητας με νομικίστικα επιχειρήματα αλλά ούτε και θέμα χειραγώγης της μειονότητας αφού θα υπάρχουν αξιοκρατικές διαδικασίες. Μια τέτοια λύση θα αποτρέψει την δημιουργία πολιτών δύο ταχυτήτων και σταδιακά θα επανενώσει την πλειοψηφία με την μειοψηφία, υπό την ομπρέλα της αξιοκρατίας, της αλληλοεκτίμησης, της ειρηνικής συμβίωσης και των κοινών συμφερόντων."
Metopo was the only organisation to confront and ridicule the appointed oppressor of the T/C, who is once again Erdogan's favourite pet and favourite child and whom Turkey wants to impose to the Turkish Cypriot community, M.A. Talat, a former extremist who used to subject prisoners to torture with the use of hot beverages (KEAN).
The campaign of lies and terror launched by the stalinists seems to extend to any organisation which opposes the bizonal appartheid against the Cypriots.
I want to add to the above statement that the last months AKEL has been publishing another newspaper alongside Haravgi, the newspaper Gnomi, which is a very funny one.
ReplyDeleteIt publishes all kinds of fake news, made up stories, cheap humour etc. They try to present themselves as independent, but almost everybody writing in there has been around AKEL.
The most notable figure of Gnomi newspaper is none other than Michalis Michail (Μιχάλης Μιχαήλ), a journalistic charlatan and generally a ridiculous individual.
Gnomi newspaper bears all the hallmarks of a Stalinist paper, with photoshopped images, fake news, and generally sensationalist headlines that have nothing to do with reality.
On the contrary, it has been caught several times disseminating fake news, everything to support the Stalinist view of AKEL that supposedly in Cyprus there is a "far-right" conspiracy against the president! Once, for example, they published a story saying that DIKO MP's Andreas Angelides son (Simos Angelides) was chanting slogans against the president.
It proved that it was fake!
This is just a myriad of the examples of Gnomi newspaper systematically misinforming the public in order to spread vicious Stalinist AKEL propaganda.
In addition, it supports Eroglu and Talat, and whoever else Erdogan and fascist Turkey appoints as a ruler in the occupied north.
To the above name calling anomymous: - why on earth do you call me stalinist? Please let us try and keep within a democratic debate spirit.
ReplyDeleteI will translate a small extract from Metopo's statement as you copied it above:
"We seek a state with pure democracy, where each citizen has one vote. This way the minoirity is prodected since it elects a number of representatives at all levels equivalentto its size."
We had recently a good example of the application of what you are describing (1 person / 1 vote - πλειοψηφικό)at the English School parents organization. End result - no turkish cypriots elected in the 15 member coucil, although they got nearly 40% of the votes.
I would realy appreciate it if I have your views on this as well as Petro's & Solona's
Can you tell me my dear friend what is the CONSTITUTION of the English School?
ReplyDeleteIs 1 person = 1 vote, I agree, but is it PROPORTIONAL? Or are there certain antidemocdratic clauses that prevented 40% to be translated as voting?
(I am the anonymous above)
Ε Μάριε Πούζα, έχει τζι αλλα συμπεράσματα να φκάλει κάποιους που τζιείναι που λαλεί τούτος ο Γρηγόρης Ιωάννου, ο θεωρητικός της χωραΐτικης φλωροαναρχίας.
ReplyDeleteΟ Γληόρης μας λαλεί:
"Για να σταματήσει τούτη η κατάσταση επήαμεν η Άννα τζιαι εγώ να δούμεν τον Χρίστου που ήταν Υπουργός Εσωτερικών."
Μάλιστα! Όποιος θέλει πάει τζιαι θωρεί τον Υπουργό, που κατά τ' άλλα ήταν το κράτος του "κακού Τάσσου"!
"Εν είσιεν ώραν να μας δει, αλλά είπεν μου τηλεφωνικά να κανονίσουμεν μιαν εκδήλωση τζιαι να έρτει για να δώκει πολιτικό μήνυμα με την παρουσίαν του. Το τελευταίο πράμα που έθελα εγώ τότε ήταν το πατρονάρισμα που Υπουργό του Παπαδόπουλου."
Δηλαδή ο Υπουργός (του Τάσσου) παίρνει προσωπικά τηλέφωνο το Γληορούιν! Και ο Υπουργός (του Τάσσου) ΠΡΟΘΥΜΟΠΟΙΕΙΤΑΙ και ΑΥΤΟΒΟΥΛΑ προτείνει στο Γληορούιν να δώκει πολιτικό μήνυμα στες "αντικρατικές" εκδηλώσεις του! Και το μόνο πράμα που έκαμε το Γληορούιν να τραβήσει πίσω είναι να μεν χαλάσει το image του διότι ήταν συγκυβέρνηση με τον Τάσσο!!!
"Οπόταν αφήσαμεν το τζιαμέ τζιαι εν τον εκαλέσαμεν. Πάντως που τότε εν μας εξαναενόχλησεν η αστυνομία."
ΩΩΩΩΠΠΠΠΠΠΠΑΑΑΑΑ ΡΕ!!!!!! Μα ο Υπουργός του ΤΑΣΣΟΥ ρε!; Μα σοβαρά ρε Γληορούιν; Εν σας ξαναενόχλησε η αστυνομία ρε Γληορούιν μου;;; ΜΑ ΙΝΤΑ ΩΡΑΙΑ. Γιατί εγώ θυμούμαι κάτι μιτσιούς της ΕΦΕΝ που τον τζιαιρό του Σχεδίου Ανάν (που ο κακός Τάσσος είπε ΟΧΙ), επαρενοχλούσαν την μέρα-νύχτα τζιαι η ΚΥΠ, τζιαι η αστυνομία, τζιαι το ΤΑΕ!
Μα σοβαρά ρε Γληρούιν μου! Μα θέλεις να πεις με ένα ΠΠΠΑ που έκαμες του Υπουργού εβούρησε να σου κάμει τζιείνος τηλεφώνημα τζιαι να σε γλείφει τζιαι να σε παρακαλά να τον παρουσιάσεις σε εκδήλωση;; Με μιαν επίσκεψη σου ε Γληορούιν μου έκαμες τους μπάτσους να κτυπούν προ-σοοοο-χή!;
Κάτι τέθκια θωρεί τζιαι το Parpounin το πουττούι τζιαι πάει τζιαι πετάσσει γιαούρτια πισώπλατα. Αφού ξέρει πως οι μπάτσοι που φακκούν προσοχή του Γληορουθκιού εννά τον γλιτώσουν!
One of the main accusations against the members of this site is that they expose names, persons and identities.
ReplyDeleteThe attacks against them of course originate from Falies group with a well known agent of the state Gregory Ioannou in the group and from fake anarchists.
The person responsible for the attack against Indymedia members Petros and Solon Marios Punkunin had and maybe still has an economic and personal relation with Marios Violaris another member of Falies. Marios Violaris was Punkunin´s employer.
The stalínist party agents and the fake anarchist have targeted Cyprus Indymedia members with the accusation that they expose members of the community identities.
What a lie.
Of course it is Indymedia´s role to expose agents.
Please have a look in the following article within Global Indymedia pages about how secret police and state agents have infiltrated the anarchist community in the UK.
They do exactly the same in Cyprus.
Since the fake anarchists have no values it is very easy for police, party and state agents to manipulate them anyway they want.
Μάριε Πούζα
ReplyDeleteΑπαντώ στο ερώτημα σου.
Όχι μόνον δεν μπορούμε οι περισσότεροι δικηγόροι να κλείσουμε οποιανδήποτε συνάντηση με τον κάθε Υπουργό - η μόνιμη επωδός είναι ότι "Ο κ. Υπουργός είναι απασχολημένος" - αλλά πολύ συχνά ούτε και σε γραπτές επιστολές δε λαμβάνουμε απάντηση.
Συνήθως την αλληλογραφία χειρίζονται κατώτεροι υπάλληλοι ακόμη και για θέματα ύψιστης σημασίας.
Κάθε κρατικός αξιωματούχος έχει υποχρέωση δια νόμου να απαντά εντός ενός πλαισίου χρόνου. Πλείστοι δεν το πράττουν αλλά για να είναι καλυμμένοι κάποιος κατώτερος αξιωματούχος στέλλει επιστολή της εξής μορφής:
"Η επιστολή σας έχει παραληφθεί και μελετάται από τον αρμόδιο λειτουργο."
Προσωπικά χειρίζομαι υποθέσεις στις οποίες πολίτες έχουν αποστείλει επιστολές έιτε διπλοσυστημένες είτε μέσω δικαστικού επιδότη σε σημαντικούς φορείς του κράτους και δεν έχουν λάβει απάντηση πολύ πέραν του καθορισμένου πλαισίου.
Το γεγονός ότι το συγκεκριμένο άτομο ξεδιάντροπα γράφει ότι πήγε να δει τον Υπουργό και ότι ο Υπουργός του τηλεφώνησε δείχνει σαφέστατα μία σχέση πέρα από την τυπική σχέση πολίτη-κρατικού αξιωματούχο.
Και ξαναπροκαλώ τους τραμπούκους να το δοκιμάσουν οι ίδιοι.
Πείτε για παράδειγμα:
"Είμαι ο Ιωάννης Ανδρέου και θέλω τον Υπουργό για ένα σοβαρό ζήτημα. Το τηλέφωνο μου είναι το τάδε και σας παρακαλώ πείτε του να μου τηλεφωνήσει."
Και γράψετε μας εδώ το αποτέλεσμα.
Pseftroni. Esy eisai o provokatoras tis koinotitas.
ReplyDeleteYou are a lier. You are the provocateur of the alternative community.
I understand your frustration.
ReplyDeleteNo arguements though.
Was Punkunin working for Marios Violaris? Yes or No.
Did Gregory talk to the minister of Interior? Yes or No.
The truth shines anyway.
"Was Punkunin working for Marios Violaris? Yes or No.
ReplyDeleteDid Gregory talk to the minister of Interior? Yes or No."
Oyaouuuu mr G/c lawyer....
Did they really commit such crimes?
worked? talked?
And how does the criminal justice punishes such crimes. Or are you simply inciting the mob to clear!
I bet you a human rights lawyer. Are you?
I would like to add,that a very dangerous parastate organisation which is posing as a socialist is the so called "ΑΓΩΝΑΣ Η.Β.", which is controlled by a christofias-friendly bizonist, called George Iordanou (Γιώργος Ιορδάνου), who had links to Michael Michael (Μιχάλης Μιχαήλ), Nicos Trimikliniotis (Νίκος Τριμικλινιώτης), Anef_Oriwn (arxiepiskopos) and other masterminds of the bizonal deep state and para-state.
ReplyDeleteAlthough within the party EDEK of Vasos Lyssarides, Iordanou and his political gang, under the name "AGONAS U.K." (ΑΓΩΝΑΣ Η.Β.) have been acting as the long arm and garage of the AKEList student's organisation Proodeftiki. All the true lyssaridist cypriot students in the UK, are participating in and voting for the only real antibizonal and antioccupational students' movement: METOPO UK (ΜΕΤΩΠΟ Η.Β.).
Dear Metopist,
ReplyDeleteI don't think it does anybody any good to call another students orgnization "very dangerous parastate organisation which is posing as a socialist". Really. It makes you loose your credibility right before you even start.
It would be more democratic and mature to state and discuss the things you disagree.
I take it that you don't like them because they accept under the circustances, a bizonal solution to the Cyprus Problem? Is there something else, like the don't accept slogans like "Cyprus is Grek" or they have contacts with turkish cypriot students in England. I have heard that in its early days, it actually had t/c members.
And since we are at it, what is the METOPOS position on the issues highlighted above
i.e. the slogan "Cyprus is greek" posted in your magazine and the affection Metopo has shown to the late Aschibishop of Greece. Did you know that he was the Greek Neonazi party's favourite public figure for obvious reasons?
Actually what we Cypriot students hate about the so called "AGONAS" is that it endorses all the akelian slogans and stereotypes in relation to the Cyprus problem and that it is under the political guidance of George Iordanou, who had deep links to the Christofias-regime, through the appartheid supporting blog of "Epanenosis".
ReplyDeleteBizonal federation is the name for the division of Cyprus into ethnically homogenous territories, a turkish and a greek one, where the communities of the island will be living separately. It was the vision of Denktash that we would be neighbours and not living together.
The socialist party of Cyprus, accepts a solution which will safeguard the unity of Cyprus and by which the human rights of Cypriots will be safeguarded. Agonas UK has as its flag the bizonal bicommunal federation, as it is controlled by crypto-akelian elements such as Iordanou and his buddies. This is why they are dangerous. Because they are posing as socialists when in fact they are relating with the stalinistic akelians.
Do you know that when the Christofias-regime arrested and persecuted a former president of Agonas Salonica, i.e. the socialist Xenis Xenofontos, Metopo was the only student's organisation to condemn that, while Agonas UK, remained silent (probably in order to avoid the dispute with its akelian buddies).
As for the affection known for the Archibishop of Greece, he was the favorite figure of the greek people and to support that whoever admired him was a Neonazi, is as obsurd as the Kisian slogan that those who seek control of illegal migration in Cyprus, are neonazis! It is once again obvious that the kisians and the iordanians use similar arguments!
As for the slogan "Cyprus is greek", which Agonas and Proodeftiki are the only ones to deny, you very well know that is is something used often by the socialist leader Vasos Lyssarides, whom Metopo really respects (unlike the iordanian gang of "ΑΓΩΝΑΣ Η.Β.") and that it refers to the history of cyprus, which noone except AKEL, Grey Wolves and other extremist groups. Cyprus is greek does not mean that we should abolish our Republic or live apart from the T/C, as the bizonists promote!
It is the bizonists who should explain, what kind of friends they are to the T/C, when at the same time, they want them isolated in the south, through a bizonal federation.
to anonymous 3.51 - I don't unfderstand your argument. Can you please elaborate?
ReplyDeleteand how is the contstitution of the English School related to this issue?
Dear Iordanian above, can you please tell me who is standing next to Arch. Christodoulos in the photo contained in the link below?
He looks a lot like Vasos Lyssarides, the historic leader of the party you supposedly support (while in reality you are an akelian annex in the UK!)
Is this why you hate Christodoulos? Because of his friendship with Vasos Lyssarides, the true socialist leader of Cyprus, whom the akelian-linked Agwnas UK, obviously despises?
Let me add that Lissarides, when he found out that Agonas in London was in close contact with kurdish and t/c students and together they organised a festival of Gunei's films he was furious. He could not see the breakthrough of g/c, t/c and kurdish students marching together at the May day demonstrations with the slogan "turkish troops out of cyprus".
ReplyDeleteHe threatened to expell some the leadres and founders of Agonas - in the end they left on their own and the organisation instantly lost its energy and huge appeal that it enjoyed among cypriot students.
This is pure propaganda, you iordanian liar.
ReplyDeleteLyssarides has been a true friend to t/c, for decades, especially under the slogan "turkish troops out of cyprus".
What you say above just proves, what kind of anti-lyssaridists remain in Agwnas UK!
Petro why was the following removed?
ReplyDeleteOn Cristodoulos, please check out Athens Indymedia:
"The Nazi ideas of Christodoulos: Lobotomy to the conciensious objectors, excecution to the Albanian immegrants"
"Οι ναζιστικές ιδέες Χριστοδουλου. Λοβοτομή στους αντιρρησίες, εκτέλεση στους Αλβανούς"
His extreme right wing ideology is there whether Lyssaridis is photographed with him or not
Were you, so called Indymedia people, at Inonou square yesterday? Yes or No
ReplyDeleteMr lawyer:
Do these people come out with personal information on peoples`private lives (whether true or imaginary) Yes or No`
Has there been any proof (mr lawyer) that these people are agents of the government, of the CIA, of NATO, of the American Government? Yes of No
Is it a fair statement on political or law grouds to say that whoever goes to see a minister is an agent too? Yes or No
Is it possible (following the same line of thinking) to say that Indymedia people can be agents of the rightest wing of Synagermos and are actually taking money from them since Evdokas is practically with no work after half the people he was seeing thought it twice to go back after they saw all this filthy boolshits he throws around? Yes or No