Document Information:~~~~~~~~~~~This document was produced in 2006 in order to coalesce all of our previous collective decisions and writings that determine and affect our Collective's Editorial Policy, produced at both the local and global level since the year 2000.
Due to various server failures and other technical failures, but also due to technical improvements, most of our essential documents have been in need of republishing in new formats. The present document is revised only to correct broken links and restore missing references, and to edit for clarity - no other changes were made. All of the values and principles of our organization pertaining to Editorial Policy are retained and restated as they were originally formulated at our Collective's inception in the year 2000.
Cyprus IndyMedia Collective
October 2010
Editorial Policy
Our Editorial Policy is shaped and guided by the following documents, declarations, decisions and dialogues:
[Imc-East.-Mediterr.] IMC Cyprus - Our Final Application
Cyprus IndyMedia / Invitation to Participate (from our founding documents), in the Hellenic, Turkish and English languages:
Global Indymedia/ Basic Editorial Policy
Additional refinements:
Trend Toward More Editorial Control
Global organizational context:
Global Indymedia/ Membership Criteria
Global Indymedia Principles Of Unity
Global Indymedia Mission Statement
Cyprus IndyMedia editorial and organizational context
In addition to all the above, our Editorial Policy is in accordance with all the laws and regulations of the countries in which our members are active and where our facilities are physically located, i.e. the jurisdictions within which we operate.
More importantly, through our publications we seek to practice in actuality the Freedom of Expression as it is guaranteed by the Constitutions of all the countries involved in our work, and to extend that right to the communities we serve. Also, to expand those rights and help to redefine them in accordance with the evolving perceptions and ideas of our times.
In the "special case" of issues related to Copyrights, we have consensed on this document:
Copyleft - Copyrights/ Legal
In the "special case" of issues related to Signatures, we have consensed on this document:
Collective or Individual Signatures?
We make political and editorial decisions in accordance to the spiritual, social, political, personal values and bonds among us in order to serve our mission - our values, principles and our politics are expressed in one of our founding documents titled "The Short Statement", below. The document originates from a BiCommunal organization named KaliMerhaba, which is the organization that gave birth to Cyprus IndyMedia. "The Short Statement" covers the basic foundations of ideology and practice on which we have built our local indymedia organization.
"The Short Statement"
January 2006
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